4.7 Title IV Program Responsibilities
The institution is in compliance with its program responsibilities under Title IV of the most recent Higher Education Act as amended. (In reviewing the institution’s compliance with these program responsibilities, the Commission relies on documentation forwarded to it by the U.S. Department of Education.)
JUDGMENT: Compliant
Southwest Texas Junior College (SWTJC) is in compliance with its program responsibilities under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), as stated in the Eligibility and Certification Approval Report and the Program Participation Agreement. The approval to administer Title IV aid is effective through December 31, 2019. SWTJC disburses over $14 million annually in federal grant and loan funds to over 7,000 students.
External institutional audits are conducted annually by independent certified public accountants under the Single Audit Act. The institution’s 2014 external audit (Annual Financial Report) for the Title IV programs presents the institution in good standing and meeting the federal requirements. No areas of non-compliance related to Title IV programs were found. SWTJC has no pending litigation issues in connection with financial aid, and there are no funds due to the Department of Education. The Annual Financial Report was completed on November 2014 with no reportable findings.
The FY 2011 Federal Cohort Default Rate for SWTJC was 23.2 percent. Subsequently, the College invested in a default prevention consultant, WISS (Wright International Student Services) As a result, our projected FY 2012 Cohort Dafault Rate is 17.33 percent which reflects our joint efforts in successfully decreasing our default rate. As part of SWTJC’s default prevention measures, the College provides face-to-face financial literacy sessions for all interested student borrowers. These are conducted weekly by Financial Aid advisors. In addition, student loan borrowers are also required to complete entrance loan counseling online at studentloans.gov.
SWTJC provides information about the performance of gainful employment programs as required by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, (Program Integrity: Gainful Employment-Measures) to students and the public. This information is available at SWTJC’S website and on technical program websites.
The Fiscal Operation Report and Application to Participate (FISAP) is submitted annually by the required October 1 due date. The FISAP is used by the institution to apply for Campus-Based Program funding for the upcoming award year and to report Campus-Based Program expenditures for the previous award year. Completing and filing the FISAP is a Department of Education requirement for the institution to continue receiving Title IV funding. In addition, the FISAP is a compliance requirement under the Participation Agreement, General Terms and Conditions, 34 CFR Part 668.
SWTJC is in compliance with its program responsibilities under Title IV and not aware of any infraction that may jeopardize its Title IV funding. No complaints have been filed against the institution with the Department of Education. No adverse communication has been received from the Department of Education.
United States Department of Education, Eligibility & Certification Approval
Approval Application to Participate in Federal Student Financial Aid Programs
American Institute of CPA’s, Audits of Federal Funds (Single Audits)
EDE & Company, LLC, Auditors Report 2014
SWTJC Annual Financial Report 2014
SWTJC Federal Cohort Rate 2011
Gainful Employment Measures
ONET online Gainful Employment AC
Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP)
United States Department of Education, Eligibility & Certification Approval